General information

Nepal General Information Nepali Standard Time is 5 hours 45 minutes ahead of GMT and 15 minutes ahead of Indian Standard Time.

Nepal has a diverse geographical area like as mountainous, hilly & Teraï (plane land). Moreover, it is a landlocked country lies in South Asia. It is located in the Himalayan laps of the central Great Himalayan Range and bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India with an area of 147,181 square kilometers as well as 76% of it is area consists of high mountains and hills including valley, tars, basins and low hills and 24% of the low level lands.
The world ten tallest mountain including Mount Everest (8848m) the highest point of earth as a attractive destination for tourist Not only that, other attractive natural beauties ,cultural and bio diversities are the most valuable properties.

After the revolution in April 2006, Nepal was announced as the Federal Republic country. Earlier, Nepal was a constitutional monarchy and it became a democratic republic on May 28, 2008.

In the present time Nepal, has established officially the Federal Democratic Republic and secular states.  
Nepal is divided into 7 provinces and 75 districts and 744 local units including 4 metropolises, 13 sub-metropolises, 246 municipal councils and 481 rural municipalities.

Nepak has rare alliance of civilizations Hindu and Buddhist, the Nepal gives its splendid chains of Himalayas and its undamaged panoramas. Every visitor can notice the different ethnic groups with their cultures and their styles of life specific, the green forests with 6500 kinds known by trees, 880 kinds of birds, the wild flowers, the rivers of hot water and a broad diversity of climates. Impregnated with spirituality, the Nepali always receive you with a smile.

Steeped in spirituality, Nepalese always welcome you with a smile.

"Yatri, a Nepali word, indicates a person on a journey"


  • Katmandu, Pokhara and other cities of the Nepal include hotels being suitable for every budget, guesthouse and lodges. On the itineraries of the trek (especially as regards Annapurna, Langtang and Everest) exist only simple houses of guests or shelters.


  • In Kathmandu, breakfast in the hotel, lunch and dinners in the restaurant, are very good and can be found of different types various food.

During the Trek :

  • Camping trekking: meals prepared by the cook, good quality, based on pasta, rices, potatoes, eggs, and vegetables.
  •  Lodge trekking: people of lodges prepare food (good quality local food, the guide orders meals).

The easiest means to admire the chains of Himalayas, trek also allows you to observe lifestyle of the Nepali people. Walking in the Himalaya or high land requires normal level of physical fitness or 6 - 7 hours of walk per day. Unlike in ascending peaks, trekkers do not have to go through any technical difficulties. Walking duration is planned in such a way that the trekkers have enough time to explore the region and its people without any physical exertion.

Our itineraries are categorized according to the level of difficulty and the duration of day. The schedules are given for information only but are subject to change the journey slightly from a year to another, especially depending of the finding of fresh water on spots for the camp trek and any circumstances.  
Yatri Trekking organizes two kinds of trekking.

Camping trek: Adventurous type the beaten trails, with degrees of comfort of your choice. The camping is the only possible accommodation for circuits where there is no guests houses, as in Kanchanjunga, Dolpo, Kanchenjunga, valley of Arun, Rolwaling, etc …

Trek in Lodge: Accommodation will be at the inhabitant's guesthouse, especially during the classical treks. Small rooms or dormitories, with mattresses and coverages are available and meals in common room.

Yatri trekking provides: Twin sharing tents with foam mattress as well as kitchen accessories, dining and toilet tents. Personal equipments to be brought by Mountaineer and trekkers. All the equipments and baggages are carried by porters.

Personal belongings:

  • Adapted equipment is one of the essential component of your travel/trekking to be a success !
  • Light travelling, handling would be less tiring: TRY TO STAY BELOW 15 KILOS
  • A kit bag in which porters can carry your belongings during the journey (Maxi. 15kg/person)
  • A day backpack for yourself   (30 litres) for the day (snacks, camera, etc…)
  • Warm sleeping Bag ( - 15 degrees or - 10 degrees depend of  program)
  • Trekking Shoes type "GORE –TEX"
  • Warm and windproof jacket, pullover, T- shirts, trousers, socks, gloves, a woolen cap covering ears to protect from cold etc. (avoid shorts and no-sleeves tops, especially for women…)
  •  Water bottle, torch light with enough batteries, sunglasses, sun cream, chip stick, hat to protect from sun, small pocket knife.   
  • Personal Medicines for fever, common cold, headaches etc.
  • Shoe lace, Slipper/Sandal
  • Raincoat
  • Sanitary bag
  • Delicacies, cereals bars and cookies are welcome…

Personal First Aid kit:

  • Total sun block solar cream
  • Lipstick
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotic
  •  Aspirin
  • Anti diarrhoea
  • Elastic bandage
  • Diamox against high altitude sickness
  • Skin disinfectant
  • Bandage
  • Second skin (blisters)

Respect of the environment:

  • Nature imposes respect. Its landscapes and its inhabitants deserve the greatest attention. We count on you for :
  • Approach the people encountered with humility, for example avoid to take pictures of the people without asking them their permission, or to wear clothes that can look provocative.
  • Leave the places we go through, perfectly clean
  • We recommend you not to give any pens, candies and other presents to children. This behaviour incite the kids to beg.
  • The respect of these principals being everyone concern, we thank you to report us any act that you would consider opposite to the values that we defend.

We respect working conditions defined by " All Nepal Trekkings, Travels and Rafting Workers Union " the labour union of the porters, guides and cooks, the regarding particularly of weight, walking stages, accommodation, equipments and wages of the employees.

Insurance of the Team:

  • We have insurance for our porters and the team of our trekking agency. Yatri Trekking assures his personnel insurance at Neco Insurance Company (Policy no) (NECO INSURANCE Ltd (NECO INSURANCE Ltd (HO-MTR-PCR-00605-78-79) but not for it's clients.

Trekking in Nepal requires normal level of physical fitness. Unlike in ascending peaks, trekkers do not have to go through any technical difficulties. Walking duration is planned in such a way that the trekkers have enough time to explore the region and its people without any physical exertion. 6/7 hours of walk per day).

Our itineraries are categorized according to the level of difficulty and the duration of day. The schedules are given for information only but are subject to change the journey slightly from a year to another, especially depending of the finding of fresh water on spots for the camp trek and any circumstances.  

Easy: - These trekking whose trail passes through lower altitude and have short distance between starting and ending point during a day's walk, like 4 to 5 hours walking per day.

Moderate: - These trekking include both long and short distance. Trail can pass through the altitude of 3500 to 4000m with 600 to 700m, both progressive and steep, uphill climbing.

Strenuous: - These trekking trail both long and moderate walks on a rough and some time snowy terrains. It requires a little more effort than previous level circuits.

Strenuous +:  This is a real adventure above 5000m and requires more effort than strenuous trek. Trekker must have basic knowledge of mountaineering and using climbing gears such as Crampons, Ice axes, Using ropes etc…

Season exerts its influence on our offered itineraries. Different trekking can best serve its objective during their respective seasons. Following months are given to our itineraries to indicate their best season.

Expedition in Nepal
Mountain climbing in Nepal, including around the globe is one of the most challenging fields thus, mountaineering training is essential above the snow line using an ice ax, crampons, ropes, crossing crevasses and necessary climbing gears under the supervision and instruction from the climbing leader/guide. Only the ones who are physically and mentally fit can face this challenge.
Summits of Himalayas allure all the mountaineers in the world. Yatri trekking has a skilled, professional, licensed and experienced climbing team to fulfill the wish of those who dream of the mountain. This team offers you with organizing all sorts of the expedition in Nepal as well as Tibet.

7000 meters mountain peak climbing in Nepal
Above seven thousand meters, mountain peak climbing in Nepal is one of the most challenging fields, therefore, mountaineering training is required above the snow line using an ice ax, crampons, ropes, crossing crevasses, and necessary climbing gears under the supervision and instruction from the climbing leader/guide. Only the ones who are physically and mentally fit can face this challenge.
Summits of Himalayas allure all the mountaineers in the world therefore; Yatri trekking has a skilled and professional climbing team to fulfill the dream of those mountaineers. Composed of porters, cooks, altitude Sherpas, and qualified and experienced high mountain guide, this team offers you with organizing all sorts of expedition in Nepal as well as in Tibet.

  • Spring: March-May (Mar-May)
  • Summer: June-August (Jun-Aug)
  • Autumn: September-November (Sep-Nov)
  • Winter: December-February (Dec-Feb)

However note that the best seasons are autumn and spring for trekking and climbing of 6000m. in Nepal
The nature, the landscapes, the villages and their people are as interesting at 3000 than at 4500 meters. To give you an idea of altitude in the Himalayan, remember that the base camps for the ascents of “the Roof of the World” are set up at 5000 meters, that is to say higher than most of the highest European mountains.

Trekking Permit:
Trekkers require trekking permit for the restricted areas but conservation and national park fees are compulsory for almost every region.

Restricted Areas:

Tips are not obligatory but it is a usage in the Nepal to leave a tip to the team at the end of the trek/trip. There is not limitation but we suggest you to have an idea: on a trip/trekking of 2 weeks, count about 70 dollars per porter, and for a trip of 3 weeks, about 90 dollars per porter, it is according to the difficulty of circuit. You can also give the porters used clothes (T-shirts, trousers, polar, even damaged footwear), pens, colors, notebooks etc.., it will make them happy.

Stuffs of the city:
You can leave your useless stuffs (which will not be used during the trek) in the hotels in Katmandu. You have to register it before your departure.

220 volts, with a variation of tensions and the frequent breaks. Bring an universal adapter multi plug in three round chips. Know that a big part of the country still has not electricity.

Driving in Nepal:
The condition of Nepal roads, the traffic jams caused by the people, animals, slow vehicles (riksha, bicycles), and various religious processions, would make the traffic even more dangerous without the skills of your driver!

We cannot be sure about the weather in Nepal, a delay of plane, a plane cancelled because of weather conditions, a breakdown of bus, landslide, which may make the guide change program according to your adopted time. Remember that generally most of the local transportation services don't have punctuality

Water: It is necessary to pay attention to drinking water especially in cities. During trekking you can use tap water but systematically use water purification tablets.

Vegetables and Fruits: In Nepal never eat raw vegetables, eat them after cooked or wash it properly.

Important Note for Expedition:
Your safety is of vital concern whilst traveling with Yatri Trekking. Please note that your guide has the authority to amend or cancel any part of the itinerary if it is deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Every effort will be made to keep to the above itinerary; however, as this is adventure travel in remote mountain region, we cannot guarantee it! Weather conditions, health condition of a member, unexpected natural disasters, etc., can all contribute to changes in the itinerary. The leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan, but please be prepared to be flexible if required.

Furthermore information contact via email or via WhatsApp (Iman Gurung, the manager of the program developer) for tailor-made program