Laya Gasa Trek

Trip Facts
  • Duration 17 Days
  • Destination Bhutan
  • Difficulty Level Strenuous
  • Code (Ref: YTR14BTN)
  • Max Altitude 4400m
  • Trip Start and End Paro-Paro
  • Best Season Oct-Nov, Apr-May

The Lasya Gas trek starts from Punakha and offers a great variety of trekking conditions, from picturesque farmland and sub-tropical forests to alpine pastureland and high passes. This trek gets you to the hot spring of Gasa and to Laya, a high spectacular village, whose people are friendly and dress differently. This trek can be combined with Chomolhari route, making it a full circuit from West through North to central Bhutan.




Upon arrival in Paro, clear customs and immigration. Keep your copy of the visa clearance letter handy. P.P size pictures are no longer required and your visa has been paid. Our representative upon arrival at the airport will meet you and will drive you up to Drugyel Dzong where the road ends and the trek begins, following the river gently uphill through a narrowing agriculture valley. Initially you will pass through the serene pastoral life of the village with their dogs and children playing in the fields. Camp is just beyond an army post. Alt. 2800m. Distance 17 km, about 5-6 hours.
Welcome Dinner and briefing overnight at hotel


  • Accommodation Hotel
  • MealsBLD

The trail ascends through the river valley. It narrows and closes in and the trail winds up and down along the drainage. Camp is just beyond an army post. Alt.2800m. Distance is about 21km, 7-8hrs


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD

The trail climbs up the Pa Chu pass a small army post where the valley begins to widen out. Views of high ridge and snow-capped peaks are seen all around, and close by are yaks and yak-herderscamps. Lunch will probably be served at one of the camps beneath a ruined fortress, at the base of Chomolhari. Altitude 4040 m distances 19 km, about 5-6 hours

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude4040m

You will come across the yak pastures on the way up and down the pass. You will enjoy the great views of Lingshi Dzong as you come down Tserim Kang and its descending glaciers at the north end of the valley. Altitude 4150 m, distances 19 km, about 5-6 hrs.

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude4150m

An easy walk today- covering 19 km in about 5-6 hrs; there will be time to stroll around the village houses of Chebisa(Altitude:3850m) before resting at camp.

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude3850m.

The hike today is through wild and high altitude pastures, across Gobula pass (altitude 4350 m); camping at a bend overlooking the river –a tributary of the Mo chu that passes by Gasa Tsachu hot springs; camp site altitude is about 4260 m after covering a distance of 17 km in 6 hours.


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude4260m.

Start off early today towards the Jarela Pass alt. 4600 m, crossing over to Tsharithang. It is possible to come across herds of the unique Takin grazing on the slopes. Distance covered is 15 km after about 5 hrs, campsite is at altitude of 4400m.


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude4400m.

After crossing the Shingela Pass alt. 4900 m descends and skirts the valley towards Lemithang that falls within Laya district. Notice the unique dress worn by the Layaps - the high altitude cattle dependent, herders. Lemithang stands beneath the Great Tiger Mountain - Gangchenta. Depending on your time and interests 0 you can explore around for a day in these mountains. Overnight at camp alt 13,567 ft. Distance covered is 19 km in 6-7 hrs.


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude4136m

All down hill hike today along the winding river valley. Two paths lie before you- one leading to the army camp, the other stays high and reaches west side of Laya village- the path taken leads you to your camp site on a high plateau at alt 12680 ft with a distance of 10 km covered in about 4 hrs.


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude3865m

Spend this day relaxing and taking in the natural habitat of the Laya people, visit the unique houses and learn of their unique ways of living. Depending on your interests, there could be arrangements for song and dance performed by the Laya folk by the campfire.

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD

The trail winds up and down along the river valley, crossing natural obstacles and witnessing breathtaking views of water falls and swift streams. Camp at altitude 12,682 ft, distance covered is 19 km in about 7 hrs.

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude3866m.

Scaling the Belela Pass, altitude 12,267 ft, the trail descends untill you reach camp near the Gasa Dzong - altitude 9250 ft, distance of 17 km in 6-7 hrs.


  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude3740m

After a late-relaxed breakfast trek to Gasa Tsachu Hot springs. A good time to heal your body aches,
sore feet and calves, simply relax in these natural hot spring used by the Bhutanese for all  kinds of ailments and sickness. Overnight camp by the Hot Springs.

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD

For the botanists and natural life enthusiasts - the Gasa trek portion can be most thrilling and memorable experience; one passes through virgin forests of oak, pine, rhododendrons- exotic flowers and most colourful and varied butterflies- as if taken out of a romantic painting of nature; as you proceed down the valley- Gasa Dzong fades into the distance, in a shimmering play of light. Overnight camp at Goendamji altitude 2280m distance covered is 21km in about 7 hrs

  • Accommodation Camping
  • MealsBLD
  • Max Altitude2280m.

The trail descends gradually into the lush semi-tropical warmth of the Punakha valley- where you find wild bananas, creepers, monkey and totally different vegetation from barely 2 days back. After about 17 km in 5-6 hrs we reach Tashithang where your pick-up crew may remind you of the 20 th century. Ride the dirt road to Punakha town.


  • Accommodation Hotel
  • MealsBLD
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • MealsBLD

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